Full Name
Ed Coambs
Job Title
Owner/Therapy-Informed Financial Planner™
Firm Name
Healthy Love and Money
Speaker Bio
I have over 20 years of experience working with individuals, couples, and families experiencing a wide range of money-related distress. I started from the ground-up teaching in several different church-based financial programs. While I learned a lot, I was left with more and bigger questions about people and money.
So, I went back to school. I earned an MBA with a concentration in corporate finance which led me to earn my designation as a Certified Financial Planner. At the same time, I was working at Vanguard Mutual Funds, working with clients across the wealth spectrum. These experiences gave me exposure to understanding investing and working with people around their investments. I felt like I understood how money worked but had no real formal training or understanding of how individuals, couples, and families worked. What did I do? I went back to school again and this time I earned a master’s degree in Marriage and Family therapy. This training filled many gaps in my understanding of how people worked.
Along the way, I’ve become a thought-leader in the field of Financial Therapy - which is the professional field that blends personal finance and counseling psychology together to effect positive, lasting change for clients. I’ve helped a team of professionals develop the designation Certified Financial Therapist - I™ which ensures the highest quality of care to those interested in receiving Financial Therapy.
Ed Coambs